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Til Oil

Soothing Oil for Hair & Skin

Introduction :

Til Oil, also known as Sesame Oil and Gingelly Oil, is rich in Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin E. It is extremely useful for enhancement of Skin and Hair Health. On internal administration, Til Oil, a potent antioxidant and vata pacifier, ameliorates anxiety, stress and effectively calms and soothes the nerves. Its high calcium content makes it extremely useful for maintenance of bone and teeth health.

Til Oil is also used for Oil Pulling purpose, wherein it strengthens gums and teeth, heals oral ulcers and alleviates gum bleeding as well. This extremely nourishing and moisturising oil remarkably allays dryness and roughness of Skin and Hair, endowing them a shiny, glowing lustre. Til Oil is used a base oil in a variety of Ayurvedic Classical and Proprietary Therapeutic Preparations, and has extreme utility in Panchakarma Procedures as well.

Actions :

Til Oil:

  • Is extremely hydrating and vitalizing.
  • Has Significant antibacterial and antiviral properties; Promotes repair and healing
  • Exerts Hepatoprotective effect
  • Possesses high amounts of Calcium, which protects against Stress
  • Owing to testosterone-increasing effect and potent antioxidant effect, Til exerts fertility promoting effect in males.
  • Has high level of PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids), whereby it reduces LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and promotes and increase in HDL (High Density Lipoprotein or good cholesterol), and exerts cardioprotective effect

Indications :

Til Oil is extremely useful in the following conditions:

  • As a massage Oil for Newborn babies and infants as it protects against Diaper Rash and promotes healthy development
  • Massage Oil for grown-ups and adults
  • Skin disorders, such as eczema
  • Blemishes and Uneven Skin Tone
  • Dull and Lustreless Hair
  • Premature Greying of Hair
  • Excessive Falling of Hair
  • Bleeding and Spongy Gums
  • Oral Ulcers
  • Dental Sensitivity

Til Oil is especially useful as cooking medium for individuals suffering from osteoporosis, hypertension, stress and allied disorders.

Direction for use:

Til Oil is advocated for Internal as well as External usage. Internally, it may be used as a Cooking medium while it is used as a massage oil for external application.Til Oil is also used for swishing / oil pulling purpose as well.


  • Shenoy RR, Sudheendra AT, et al. Normal and Delayed wound healing is improved by Sesamol, an active constituent of Sesamum indicum (L.) in albino rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2011; 133(2): 608-12.
  • Cengiz N, Kavak S, et al. Investigation of the Hepatoprotective effects of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in Carbon-tetrachloride induced Liver Toxicity. J Membr Biology. 2012.
  • Ashamu E, Salawu E, et al. Efficacy of Vitamin C and ethanolic extract of Sesamum indicum in promoting fertility in male Wistar rats. Journal of Human Reproductive Science. 2010; 3(1): 11-4. 
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